The Pierazzo International Student Travel Award

Fostering International Collaborations in Planetary Science

The Planetary Science Institute (PSI) proudly announces the Betty Pierazzo International Student Travel Award, in honor of our late Senior Scientist. This award is designed to inspire graduate students to form international collaborations and relationships within the planetary science field.

Each year, subject to receiving qualified applications, PSI bestows two awards:

The first award supports a U.S.-based Ph.D. student to attend a planetary science-related conference or workshop located outside the U.S.

The second award facilitates a non-U.S.-based Ph.D. student to attend a planetary science-related conference within the U.S. Eligible events include planetary-focused sessions at general meetings like AGU, GSA, EGU, and IAG. The event should be open to general participation by the planetary community.

Each award offers a certificate and up to $2,000 in travel support, to be presented by a PSI representative at a scientific conference or meeting. We believe these awards can foster international collaboration and broaden the horizons of aspiring planetary scientists.

About dr. Pierazzo

The Pierazzo Awards, named in memory of the esteemed scientist Betty Pierazzo, celebrate her remarkable contributions to impact modeling in the solar system, astrobiological studies, and her unwavering dedication to education and public outreach. Betty’s passion for broad collaborations and advancing our understanding of the cosmos is reflected in these prestigious awards. By recognizing outstanding graduate students and fostering international collaborations, the Pierazzo Awards continue her mission of making a positive impact on our profession and communities. Join us in honoring her legacy and supporting the future of planetary science through these prestigious accolades.

Program Links

Application Instructions

Important Dates

Past Winners

Eligible Subject Matter

The subject matter of the work by the recipient of the Pierazzo International Student Travel Award may be in any area of planetary science. This includes work to inventory planetary objects in our solar system and around other stars and to improve our understanding of the processes active in and among them, their origin and evolution. This includes the history and prospects of habitable environments on or within these objects. The study of terrestrial processes and ecosystems are also included to the extent that they shed insight on such processes elsewhere in solar systems. Work on the hazards and mitigation of such hazards of solar system objects to terrestrial life, or their potential as sources of exploitable resources, is also included.


The applicant must be a graduate student at the time of the meeting at which he or she proposes to make a presentation. The applicant must attend the meeting as a condition for receiving the award. 


Help more students make great professional connections and contribute to the Betty Pierazzo Memorial Fund!


Please contact: [email protected]